Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Welcome to Gay Nazis Series II

I had decided to shut down my original Gay Nazi blog because of personal and professional commitments required me to drastically scale back my mailing list and blogging activities. That drastic scaling back entailed dropping my membership in all but two mailing lists and shutting down my blog so that I wouldn't get distracted from what I considered to be more important things.

Now that those issues have been taken care of, I will now slowly go back into the world and share my thoughts on being a National Socialist and being gay. Despite what many of you may think, it is not contradictory to be a Nazi and gay in the very least, especially considering that most of the upper echelons of both the Stormtroopers and the Nazi Party were a gay themselves, or at least they were before the "Night of Long" knives on June 30, 1934. That betrayal led to the eventual collapse of the Nazi Party and Germany along with it.

But there will be more time to discuss these things. First I need to re-organize the "look and feel" of the blog. If you don't see a lavender coloured Swastika flag you aren't looking at the updated blog. I ask for indulgence while I do some programming magic.

Seig Heil!

Lorenz Stransky


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